Carbohydrates, also called carbs, are your body’s primary source of energy along with proteins and fats. These provide fuel for your body to repair and build itself. Because they immediately break down into glucose molecules that your cells can use, carbohydrates are the fastest way to get energy. However, just like any other type of nutrient, too much or too little is harmful for your body.

There are 2 general types of carbohydrates in food: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are digested very quickly. They’re found in refined sugars such as white sugar, processed white flour, but they are also found in fruits and milk where they come along with other vital nutrients unlike in refined foods. Complex carbohydrates digest slower but release a slower and steady stream of sugar into the blood. In general, foods that have complex carbohydrates also have a lot of other good nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Because of the extra nutrients that come along with complex carbs, complex carbohydrates are generally considered better for health compared to simple sugars. However, it is important to understand that while natural sugars are good, refined sugars are the ones that are unhealthy.
We always want to try and reduce the amount of processed carbs that we eat. Try to increase your intake of complex carbs and natural sugars. Here are some great foods that are high in carbohydrates, but are still healthy.
Sweet Potato
Kidney Beans
Eat healthy!!